Deshraag Foundation

Nature Conservation

Natural resource management has become an urgent necessity to ensure that future generations have enough of them. The most important natural resources bestowed on Earth are land, water, air, and biodiversity. But, unfortunately, we have continued to deplete these resources without even considering restoring them! We face two threats: the climate crisis and the loss of extreme biodiversity, and we cannot survive without clean water and land.

We acknowledge it is critical to protect nature because we rely on it for survival. As a result, we raise awareness about numerous GOI-run nature conservation schemes such as the Nagar Van Udyan scheme, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, the National Wetland Conservation Programme, Green Skill Development Programme National River Conservation Programme, Green India Mission, and the National Afforestation Programme. We believe it is vital to perpetuate nature and raise awareness regarding nature. DESHRAAG's primary goal is to create innovative, evidence-backed solutions to the pressing environmental problems. We at DESHRAAG believe that together, we can develop methods and technologies for nature conservation. Furthermore, we can bring solutions within reach of almost every front-line nature conservation organization through consistent effort and correct approach to deal with the concerns.

Our nature conservation campaign seeks to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the environment. We also host plantation days and inform people about adapting eco-friendly activities and making other minor lifestyle improvements to benefit the climate. DESHRAAG does this work because we revere the Natural World's miracle, beauty, and wholeness. And we believe that reversing the perilous environmental course we are on requires all of us to step up, connect, and take action.

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