Deshraag Foundation


World Blood Donor Day 14-06-2022

"Donating money is Great., but donating Blood Is even better". Every year on June 14th, World Blood Donor Day is observed. It was first observed in 2005. Blood is nothing less than red gold for a sick patient. During World Blood Donor Day, there are two main goals: to raise awareness about the importance of regular blood donations to maintain a stable supply of blood in the health industry, and to honor the hard work of medical professionals engaged in the development of new technology and uses for donated blood as well as medical teams who use blood regularly. Every year, over 1 million people are diagnosed with cancer for the first time. Several of them will require blood transfusions on a daily basis while undergoing chemotherapy. Every day, more than 38,000 blood donations are required. Donating blood has been an important cornerstone that has aided the world on numerous occasions, from plasma treatments to research and emergency uses. We're doing an event to promote awareness about how important it is to donate blood as it is a noble gesture that can save lives. The goal is to motivate people who have never donated blood to start giving blood and also to motivate regular donors to continue giving blood. We are hosting a small blood donation camp as a first step toward saving lives. We are trying to bring a change in the lives and perception of people.

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Ganesh Chaturthi 31-08-2022

Ganesh Chaturthi, also popularly known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is one of the most important Hindu festival celebrated as the birthday of the Lord of wisdom and prosperity

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Flood Relief Camp 04-08-2021

Madhya Pradesh's Shivpuri and Sheopur districts experienced floods due to an "unprecedented" 800mm of rainfall over the previous day. As many as 1,171 villages were affected due to the heavy rain. As an NGO, we feel it is our social duty to do everything in our power to help and support those in our community. As part of this responsibility, we also carried out extensive flood aid work in the Gwalior-Shivpuri district to contribute to this noble cause. We take some comfort in knowing that we were able to assist those in the affected areas who were in dire need of support. Deshraag Foundation inspired individuals to donate clothes for flood victims and received generous donations. In addition, we coordinated with our employees and partners to gather and distribute flood relief supplies around Gwalior's flood-affected neighborhoods. We believe our efforts helped ease some of the sufferings and brought hope to those affected.

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Oral Healthcare 22-11-2021

What is Oral Healthcare? The term "oral health" describes the condition of the teeth, gums, and the complete oral-facial structure that supports our ability to smile, speak, and chew. A crucial component of your overall health and well-being is having good dental and oral health. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is a lifelong effort. Early adoption of good oral hygiene practises, like brushing, flossing, and reducing sugar intake, will make it simpler for you to prevent expensive dental surgeries and long-term health problems. Why Does It Matter? * Oral Hygiene Is Crucial - Neglecting oral hygiene will not only cause pain and oral diseases but also lower your self-esteem. * Be Cautious - Dental issues should be watched out for even before they manifest. * Reflector of general health - One of the first areas to display signs of many ailments is the mouth. Overall good physical and mental health is indicated by a mouth with healthy gums, robust teeth, neutral breath, and a clean tongue. Facts About Oral Healthcare * Milk teeth dental decay affects more than 530 million kids worldwide. * Globally, 3.5 billion people are affected by oral disorders, with tooth decay accounting for 90% of all illnesses. * Almost all adults have at least one dental cavity. * With an estimated 300,000 to 700,000 new cases each year, oral cancer is one of the ten most frequent cancers. * Up to 50% of the world's population suffers from gum disease, which is frequently the cause of tooth loss. * Two major risk factors for gum disease are tobacco use and diabetes. Oral Health - Care Tips * Using fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day. * Make an annual visit to the dentist. * Flossing at least once per day. * To prevent tooth decay, choose a nutritious diet low in sugar. * Don't use tobacco products. * Avoid smoking, and limit your alcohol consumption. An oral health screening camp was organised by Deshraag Foundation in association with Dr. Aastha Namdhari ( MDS Orthodontics/ Mumbai) at S.Kindergarten, HR. Sec. School.The dental team was headed by Dr. Aastha Namdhari. 50 kids (students) were examined, and patients who required dental treatment were advised to visit a dental clinic for complete treatment. Oral health education was imparted to the kids, their parents and school staff and proper brushing technique was demonstrated. The school staff and parents gave positive feedback and appreciated the check-up and patient care provided by the dental team. The purpose of the oral health check-up was to create awareness among the students and make them understand the importance of oral health.

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International Yoga Day 21-06-2021

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