Deshraag Foundation

International Yoga Day

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International Yoga Day

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” ? The Bhagavad Gita

International Yoga Day is celebrated today, which is June 21st. It was first celebrated in 2015. Today, the day aims to highlight the invaluable benefits of yoga on health.

Yoga began roughly 5000 years ago in ancient India. Yoga is said to have originated in India. Indians have long known how beneficial it is to the body and psyche. It is now gaining popularity all around the world.

Going through pandemics has been difficult not only for our physical health, but also for our mental health. As a result, health issues such as depression and anxiety are on the rise. Yoga not only aids in the release and management of stress, but it also aids in the development of a stronger immune system and a more flexible body. Yoga maintains mental and physical equilibrium.

Discipline, moderation, perseverance, and mindfulness are values that, when catered through yoga and applied to community and society, provide sustainable living.

Deshraag Foundation is working for promotion of yoga for better health and positive attitude among people. The Foundation has organised a yoga camp and has also planned to organise yoga camps in different parts of the State to make people aware of the importance of yoga for physical and mental wellbeing. Our aim is to reach out to people in remote areas and convince them about the benefits of yoga. Yoga has a lot of potential to improve the quality of life and the Foundation’s efforts will surely help people lead a healthy and positive life. 

We, at the Deshraag Foundation, wholeheartedly congratulate everyone who has contributed to the success of Yoga Day. We salute each and every one of you who has embraced this ancient practice and made it your own.

May the benefits of yoga fill your lives with happiness, health and peace.

-Yoga is the key to a healthy and rejuvenated mind and body.


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