Deshraag Foundation

Flood Relief Camp

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Flood Relief Camp

Madhya Pradesh's Shivpuri and Sheopur districts experienced floods due to an "unprecedented" 800mm of rainfall over the previous day. As many as 1,171 villages were affected due to the heavy rain. 

As an NGO, we feel it is our social duty to do everything in our power to help and support those in our community. As part of this responsibility, we also carried out extensive flood aid work in the Gwalior-Shivpuri district to contribute to this noble cause.

We take some comfort in knowing that we were able to assist those in the affected areas who were in dire need of support. Deshraag Foundation inspired individuals to donate clothes for flood victims and received generous donations. In addition, we coordinated with our employees and partners to gather and distribute flood relief supplies around Gwalior's flood-affected neighborhoods.  

We believe our efforts helped ease some of the sufferings and brought hope to those affected.


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